Your friend in London

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Easter in London

Have an EGGcellent Easter in London! There is a range of great events and attractions in London this weekend including hunting for Easter Eggs, watching Easter performances, marvelling at the magnificent Tall Ships whilst they float by, seeing dinosaurs and butterflies close up and so much more! We are so …


Space Hop Your Way Into The Record Books

Have you always wanted to be a World Record Holder? Now is your chance! Join thousands of others attempting to space hop their way to breaking the World Record for the most people simultaneously bouncing on space hoppers 🙂 Unfortunately this event has now been cancelled. Organisers TickTheBucket and London …


Mother’s Day in London

Spending Mother’s Day in London? It’s the perfect place to treat your mum on Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day falls on Sunday 26 March this year, but why not make a weekend of it? There are a whole host of things you can do to celebrate this special day…   Treat your …


It’s Pancake Day!

Today is Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as Pancake Day 🙂 Shrove Tuesday is celebrated by eating pancakes which are a rich, fatty food before the fasting period of Lent begins tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. The date varies each year but it is always 47 days before Easter Sunday. There are …


Winter in London

It may be chilly outside but there are plenty of things to keep you entertained this winter in London.   Celebrate Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rooster, on Sunday 29 January. Watch the parade pass through the streets of the West End and performances on the stage in …


Festive London

With the Christmas lights already shining brightly across London’s Oxford Street and many of the Christmas festivities having already started, there’s plenty to get you into the early festive London spirit.   Get your Christmas presents and decorations under one roof at the Christmas Ideal Home Show. 23 – 27 November, …


London Transport ~ What’s New?

Great news!! Travelling in London is becoming easier and cheaper.     London transport is seeing significant improvements. This summer saw the start of the long awaited night tube. Running initially on the Central and Victoria lines the night tube runs throughout Friday and Saturday night – at off peak prices! …
