Challenge 4
Friday 17 – Sunday 19 April
Wouldn’t it be great if we all knew sign language!
The challenge this weekend is to learn some basic sign language
There are lots of tutorials on YouTube. Here’s an example:
Feel free to share photos or videos on our BuddyLondon Facebook page, we’d love to see your challenge attempts!
Don’t throw away your toilet rolls!
The Final Isolation Weekend Challenge – date to be confirmed! – will be to create a model (building, animal, person, etc) out of the toilet rolls collected during your self-isolation. Start thinking!
Previous Challenges
Challenge 3
Friday 10 – Sunday 12 April
Create an Easter ornament or gift.
Examples include: Design your own Faberge egg or make an Easter chick.
Challenge 2
Friday 3 – Sunday 5 April
Create something new out of something old.
Have a look around your home – have you got empty jam jars lying around or clothes you haven’t worn for ages – can you give these items a new life?
For example, you could make a cushion cover from your old clothes, pen pots from empty jars or a glasses case from an old tie.
Challenge 1
Friday 27 – Sunday 29 March
Have you always wanted to learn origami? Well, now’s your chance!
All you need is a square piece of paper, then search YouTube to discover how to make your favourite flower, animal, etc.
To get you started on this weekend’s challenge, we’ve put a few examples below.